Current Events

Vol 4:11 (Nov 1958)

Current Events

Western Electronic News: It is estimated that of all people born since the time of Christ who have lived to adolescence, nearly one third are still alive. If the population increase of the last 10 years had started in the year 1 A.D., for every person alive today, there would be 1 million people instead. There are various estimates of the rate at which world population is increasing. Most agree that it is 100,000 to 150,000 per day. At this rate, between three quarter and 1 million people sit down to the world’s breakfast table every Monday morning who were not there the week before. How do we feed and clothe these people? By what means do we arrange to obtain their shelter? This involves the need of vast amounts of energy.

If such facts are a challenge to those who provide for the temporal needs of the world’s population, are they not even a greater challenge to the disciple of Christ to whom He has said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

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Toronto, Canada: At the Canadian National Exhibition here the Gideons had a black Morocco leather book in which visitors are invited to write one Bible verse with their name and address below. The general Secretary of the Gideons International in Canada said that since there are 31,000 verses in the Bible, and the verses are written at the rate of between 400 to 500 a day, it will take seven more Exhibitions to complete it. The Gideons hope that the writing of one verse by each Exhibition visitor will arouse in them a desire to read their own Bibles.

Paris, France: One of France’s monthly periodicals published the results of interviews with travellers from Soviet Russia. These travellers were asked: First, “What do the Soviet leaders want?” They answered, “They are convinced that without risking a war they can doom the West by economic strangulation.” Next: “How do they plan to do this?” They answered, “By the secret weapon, science.”

How slow humans are to learn! Nebuchadnezzar thought he could rule the world, so did Alexander the Great, so did Napoleon, the Kaiser and Hitler. God has reserved that honour for the Man Christ Jesus, “For there shall be given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages, should serve Him.”

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