Learning the Name

Learning the Name

E. B. Sprunt

In the days when the writer was teaching a class of tiny tots, one of the most frequent problems was how to learn the name, address, and age of some of the new scholars. Sometimes a child took a shy streak, and would not utter a word in response to questions asked. Another child would not speak distinctly, so one could not be sure of the correct spelling of the surname. Occasionally, a child only knew his first name, and, likely as not, this would prove to be a nick-name or a family pet-name.

The difficulty was solved simply and effectively by use of a printed card which was sent home with the child. A brief message expressed appreciation for having the child come to the Sunday School. The parent was then requested to fill out the form and return it when the child came to class the following week, or if more convenient, mail the card to the teacher’s home address. Space on the card was designated for the child’s name, address, age, and telephone number.

It is advisable also to invite the parents to the Bible Class or gospel meeting. Enclose the card in an envelope when sending it home, because little folk have a penchant for finger marking or soiling things which are unprotected.

Be sure the card bears your name as class teacher; then the parent will know you when you make your first visit to the home.