World Dominion And Peace

World Dominion And Peace

James Gunn

The variegated illumination, the sparkling decorations and the Christmas music created a gala atmosphere in the midtown restaurant. The crowd, augmented by many shoppers, was unusually large, and seemed to be in a very festive mood.

George selected his lunch, picked up his tray and scanned the dining room for a possible seat. A small table for two in a front corner was the only one unoccupied. As he made his way past groups of merry diners and tray-ladened waitresses, he wondered how many of them thought much of the event they were preparing to celebrate. He questioned how many understood the significance and importance of the Saviour’s birth.

While he was saying grace, a stranger had approached; he now asked if he might be allowed to use the other chair at the table. He was a visitor to New York, he said, and did not wish to lose the time waiting for an unoccupied table.

George’s immediate response was an exclamation of pleasure. And although the men discovered in a few preliminary remarks that they were executives of competitive companies, this did not hinder an intense and interesting conversation about world affairs.

“The world is in a dreadful mess,” said the visitor. On the international horizon things obviously are going from bad to worse. When I was younger, Christmas was a challenge and most attempted to live at peace with a feeling of goodwill toward others. Now with bloody wars being fought in Asia and Africa, with labor strikes and racial riots here at home, and with a constant increase in crime and violence, this is just not true. Christmas seems a farce; its ceremonies and festivities alike are mockeries.”

These sobering observations resulted in silence for several moments. Finally George said, “I agree, something is far wrong in the world. Of course, these conditions were predicted in the Bible long ago. In fact, through the reading of the Bible, I gather that there is no hope for any improvement.”

“I believe and revere the Bible,” replied the visitor to New York, “but as a Roman Catholic, I feel that a person must be trained in theology before he can understand and interpret it properly. Notwithstanding, I admit there seems little hope for the world that we know.”

“I understand,” he continued, “that the ultimate purpose of the Common Market of Europe, the Treaty of Rome, is to have a super-executive over the nations of Europe who will co-ordinate the policies and activities of these independent states. If this idea could be extended to include the entire world, we might achieve peace and prosperity.”

“Have you anyone to suggest,” enquired George, “whom you feel might be capable of such an important and prominent position?”

“Well, yes, I feel that the Pope would be the logical person.”

“With all due respect for the Pope” said George, “and please do not be offended, I have to disagree.”

“Then, do you have any suggestion?” enquired the visitor.

“I believe that the One of whom it was written, ‘Peace on earth and good will toward men,’ Jesus Christ alone could give to this poor old world peace, justice and equity.”

“Yes, O yes! I agree,” impulsively exclaimed the other, “but such is impossible.”

“This is not at all impossible,” asserted George. “The Bible predicts the return of Christ to earth for this very purpose. The Word of God prophesys that event and the glorious consequences of that event.” Here George took out his pocket Bible and read: “He shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Mic. 4:3) “Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end” (Isa. 9:7). “With righteousness shall He judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: … the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Isa. 11:4-9). “And there shall be given to Him (Jesus Christ) dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed” (Dan. 7:14).

Here the reading stopped and the visitor, very deeply moved, ejaculated, “Astonishing! Astonishing!”

For a few minutes the two men sat in silence looking at each other. Together they then arose to leave. As they gripped each the other’s hand, George saw tears in the eyes of his new friend, Through the tears there broke a smile as he fervently averred, “Then, yes then, we shall have peace on earth and goodwill toward men. Thank you so much, so very much! Good bye!”