Robert McCrory

FFF 10:11 (Nov 1964)

Robert McCrory

On October 6, 1964, after having served his generation by the will of God, Robert McCrory, esteemed minister of the Word, fell asleep. He had returned to Ireland, the land of his birth and was residing with his niece, Mrs. D. C. Campbell in Banger, when he heard the call, “Come up hither.”

He was saved early in life and from the beginning of his Christian career manifested an interest in the work of the Lord, in and around Lurgan, the city of his birth and boyhood. Eventually he moved to Motherwell, Scotland, and enjoyed the fellowship of the saints in the Roman Road assembly. There as a young man he attended the Bible Class of the late John Reid who spent a number of years ministering the Gospel in Canada and the United. States, and who made Vancouver his home.

The Motherwell Assembly commended Robert McCrory to the work of the Lord, and forthwith he went to Spain. After a short time there, he returned to Ireland, and there engaged in evangelistic work until he immigrated to Canada in 1910.

His early service in this country was in the Maritime Provinces. He and Mr. John Dickson spent time together in Nova Scotia where God blessed their work to both saints and sinners.

Some time later he moved his residence to Hamilton, Ontario, and there maintained his home until 1961 when after the death of Mrs. McCrory, he returned to Ireland. In Hamilton he fellowshipped with the assembly in McNab Street, and moved out over a large area preaching the Gospel. This he did at times in the open air, in tents, school houses, and in halls. In the earlier part of that period he was a co-worker of such brethren as John Dickson, T. D. W. Muir, W. J. McClure, and Chas. Ross. During the closing years of that period, he also laboured with younger men such as T. G. Wilkie, James Gunn, and others. His frequent words of encouragement will be recalled by some of these younger men with much pleasure.

He was a man of The Book and ever sought to expound its meaning. When conflicting influences would have divided the assemblies, he firmly attested to the supreme authority of the Holy Scriptures in all matters of church administration. His ministry at that time was a stay and a blessing to many. When amillenarian doctrine was being propagated among some of the assemblies distressing the minds of God’s people, his clear teaching on the doctrine of the imminent return of Christ preserved in many a heart the living hope of the soon return of the heavenly Bridegroom. One still recalls the force and the clarity with which he explained the seven parables of Matthew thirteen.

On Thursday, October 8, devout men carried him to his burial, and laid his remains away in certain hope of an imminent and glorious resurrection. Mr. David Kirk, also from Hamilton, Ontario, and Mr. Robert Wright, formerly of Japan, participated in the ministry during the ceremonies. Two brethren from the Holborn assembly led the saints in prayer.