More News from China

More News from China


For a good many years members of a much esteemed Canadian missionary family operated a Christian Book Room in Shanghai, and engaged in missionary activities in that populous city. The family of Willis became well-known to Christian workers all over China as publishers in both English and Chinese of sound gospel literature.

At the time the Communists took over Shanghai, Miss Helen Willis was in charge. The Book Room was permitted to continue for a while after other “foreign” missionaries had been expelled from the country. This possibly was because the Book Room appeared, in part, a commercial enterprise. However, its activities were increasingly curtailed by the Communist authority who finally ordered that it be completely closed. Simultaneously, other work carried on by Miss Willis and certain Chinese helpers had to cease. A number of her Bible class members suffered imprisonment.

In April of this year, Miss Willis was brought to trial and charged with subversive dealings against the State. The Book Room was confiscated, and she herself sentenced to expulsion from China. Miss Willis, the last evangelical worker to leave the mainland of China, reached Hong Kong at the end of the month. As far as is known, no “Protestant” missionaries are left, but a few have made their way to Formosa and other Asian countries.

There are some who believe that in China today we are seeing a “blue print” of Communist plans for the total subversion of Christianity and the eventual domination of the world.

Fiery trial is the daily lot of God’s dear children in China. They are being refined in the crucible of suffering. Remarkable answers to prayer and precious experiences of the Lord’s preservation with a real sense of His presence are spoken of. To most the only rift in a dark sky is the promise of His soon coming. Let us intensify our prayers for these sorely persecuted saints, asking that they may be filled with divine comfort and daily sustained by the Holy Spirit to continue in faithful testimony for God. Let us pray also for those who in weakness have fallen away under trial that they may be restored and given fresh courage to face whatever may come for their Lord’s sake.

The first great world emperor, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, learned in a most humbling experience that “the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men” (Dan. 4:17, 25, 32.) God is still on the throne. However little the workings of His permissive will may be understood by us, we can rest assured that the events of the world are under control and are being made to fulfil the eternal purposes of His love.

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News From China

Recently, further news has been received at this office concerning the movements of Miss Helen Willis. After leaving China, Miss Willis went to Sandahan, British North Borneo, to assist her brother Mr. G. C. Willis who has opened a Christian Book Room in that city. A nephew of Miss Willis, Dr. G. C. Willis, has opened a Christian medical clinic in the same city. We commend the doctor and his family, and, of course, Miss Willis and her brother to the prayerful interest of the Lord’s people.