Open House

You see them every where. Signs informing people there will
be an "Open House" today. The purpose of the open house is to invite
potential buyers into the home to see it first hand.

The Scriptures put great weight upon an "open
house." Included in the qualifications of those desiring to provide
oversight to the local assembly we read "given to hospitality." They
are to be characterized as those who are "lovers of hospitality."
Those who have an "open house."

There are many accounts in Scripture in which saints have
opened their home to strangers and saints. Most notably is the home in Bethany
which was open to the Lord on numerous occasions. Lydia likewise opened her home
to Paul and his company. (Acts 16:15, 40). The assembly met in the home of
Aquila and Priscilla. (1 Cor. 16:19)

Is your home open to be used of the Lord, or do you keep this important asset
solely for yourself?