Remember Me

We naturally like to be remembered. It would pain us to know
that our friends never think of us when we are absent from them. "My people
no longer remember me," said a late Queen of the Belgians; "it is time
to go." The words were the last she ever uttered. Her heart was broken by
the forgetfulness of those who were dear to her.

Before the chief butler left the precincts of the prison,
Joseph made a very simple request of him: "Think on me, when it shall be
well with thee, and show kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of
(Gen. 40:14). When once again the butler moved in the high circles
of the Egyptian court, it says of him: "Yet did not the chief butler
remember Joseph, but forgat him"
(Gen. 40:23). Sad words, telling once
again the story of human forgetfulness and ingratitude.

Has it ever struck you, Christian reader, that your Lord and
Savior has made of you a request similar to that of Joseph? He does not want His
people to forget Him. It is well that we should note the exact terms of His
request. "Take, eat…in remembrance of Me." Observe
that He does not say "in celebration of your blessing," or "in
remembrance of the benefits conferred upon you," but "in remembrance
of ME" (1 Cor. 11:24).

How can we explain the indifference of many Christians to
this touching request of their Lord? I can understand anyone saying, "There
are so many sects and companies with divergent views, that I am puzzled where to
go to join in the remembrance of the Lord Jesus." But it is difficult to
understand that one who owes his all to Christ should be content to let the
years slip by without being concerned as to partaking of the Lord’s supper at
all! Does such an one understand that it is the way He Himself has appointed for
His people to show that they do not forget Him, but cherish His memory and
desire His company? There is nothing that can so touch the heart and renew the
affections as this remembrance of the Lord Himself. Our cold, forgetful hearts
may be warmed; our affections renewed and fixed afresh on Christ, as we are
gathered, even if only two or three in number, for the remembrance of Him.