The Mind of Christ

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5)

We frequently turn to this passage during our remembrance of the Lord
Jesus Christ in the breaking of bread. Though we have been there many
times before, each time we are overwhelmed with the downward stoop the
Son of God was willing to make in order to accomplish God’s redemptive
will. He had a work to do, and He did it completely, despite the fact
that it required Him to leave a place of glory, and take up residence
in a sinful world, and ultimately be made sin itself and die upon a
cross. (Phil. 2:8)

How do we measure such a stoop. Scripture states that He was rich,
(abounding in wealth). Yet for our sakes He became poor (like a
beggar), that we might through His poverty (destitution), become rich
(to have an abundance). Such grace is too great to fathomed, but it is
the example given that should cause us to be cheerful givers.

There is, however, something else that should cause us to bow in
worship and amazement. It is the mind that preceded the tremendous
stoop. It was the mind of Christ which led Him to take that
stoop.  We are exhorted to have that mind.  What was that
mind? It was a mind of humility! A mind that did not concentrate on
Himself, but rather had the will of God, and the good of others always
before Him. Without this mind there would be no stoop.  Let us
wonder at the stoop of Christ, but let us not overlook that lovely mind.