Faster than the Speed of Light

The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. How fast is that? If we
take the circumference of the earth as 25,000 miles, this means that light, assuming it
could bend around such circles, would travel around the earth over seven times in one
second, or almost 27,000 revolutions of the earth in one hour. Bringing this down to a more
understandable level, light would travel from New York City to Los Angeles in about two
one hundreds (2/100) of a second. That would mean you could live in New York and go to an
assembly in Los Angeles, and those who live the furthest away from the assembly are
usually on time!

Now as fast as light is, prayer is faster! Think of Nehemiah. The king
asked him why his countenance was sad, and Nehemiah explained that Jerusalem "lieth
waste and the gates are consumed with fire." The king then asked Nehemiah, " For
what dost thou make request?" And then Nehemiah writes, "So I prayed to the God
of heaven." (Neh. 2:4) Instantly his prayer is heard in heaven! No delays, not
even two one hundreds of a second, but instantly his prayer is heard.

Is it not encouraging to know those little prayers that we render while
driving our cars,walking the street, lying in bed, or on our knees, are instantly heard at
a throne of grace? It should encourage us "always to pray." (Luke 18:1)