Points For Preachers

Points For Preachers


See that the depth of your communion with God is equal to your activity in service.

Preach the Gospel (Mark 16:16). Preach Christ as did Philip the evangelist (Acts 8:5). Preach the Word as did the persecuted disciples (Acts 8:4).

Do not preach yourself, or your success, or announce results and tabulate in round numbers how many converts you have gained.

Many evangelists are rude in their manners. Be courteous. A servant of Christ should be a living personification of practical Christianity.

Avoid mannerism. As few anecdotes and stories as possible. Preach the Word and not yourself.

On no account look to saints of God for money or hint at temporal needs. Look up and direct to Christ, whose servant you are. Do not court the rich nor despise the poor.

Do not be attracted by a passing popularity (Mark 1:37). Never be disheartened if rejected (Mark 5:17-21), but quietly pass on elsewhere.

Do not be over anxious as to immediate results. Patiently labour, reaping time is coming (2 Tim. 2:6; 1 Cor. 15:58; Gal. 6:9).

Aim to produce solid results, not startling news. Avoid exaggeration in statement.

Deal with the conscience, and speak to the heart (Jn. 8:7; Isaiah 40:1, 2).

Avoid as far as possible the relation of personal experience. Subjective truth has its place, but as a rule that comes within the province of the teacher. Objective truth is more in the line of the preacher and it is that believed which can alone produce true state of soul.

Quote Scripture freely. Do be simple, earnest and clear in your statements of Gospel truth.

Baptize your work in prayer and solemnly remember that the Holy Spirit is your only power in service.

Do not prolong the meetings. Remember that people have bodies as well as souls and God thinks of both.

Do not hurry souls into a confession that they are saved. Peace with God is not to be gained by hasty confessions wrung from unwilling lips.