Workers Wanted for God
Mr. George Rainey, the editor’s father, served the Lord for over 60 years. Now 87, he resides at “Park of the Palms,” Keystone Hts., Florida.
There is a great need today for men of God. God has always wanted men, but never have they been more needed in the Church than now. We see from Holy Writ the kind of workers who have been in demand, whether in the past or present. Men like Enoch and Noah, of whom it is said, He “walked with God” (Genesis 5:22-24; 6:9).
Men like the Bereans — students of the Holy Scriptures, who will seek and search for the pure gold of the Word (John 5:39; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17). There is no easy road to learning in the school of God.
Men in authority like Nehemiah —willing, unselfish, brave, strong, loyal, determined to put down evil and boldly stand for the right, a terror to all evil doers (Nehemiah 13:4, 9).
Men like Daniel — not dazed by royal splendor, not brought into bondage by gifts of wealth; but steadfast in his calling to the work of God, whether with his own people or as a servant of Christ in a foreign land.
Men of prayer who will faithfully acknowledge in public as well as private their allegiance to the Saviour and so conduct themselves under all circumstances as to win the approbation of our Lord (Daniel 5:1-17; 6:1-28) .
Men like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego — men who are God’s chosen servants, valiant for the truth; courageous to follow the call of conscience, relying only on the right hand of God’s power for help (Exodus 20:4, 5; Daniel 3:4-30).
Men like Jeremiah — cheerfully obedient, sympathetic, true and faithful (Jeremiah 13:1-10).
Fathers like Abraham — called the Friend of God (2 Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8). What greater honor, yea, what honor so great as to be called the Friend of God?
Heads of families like Caleb (Numbers 14:24), and Cornelius (Acts 10:2-33). Brethren like Aaron and Hur, who stood by and helped Moses in his great struggle with the Amalekites (Exodus 17:9-12).
Mothers like Hannah, who will teach and train their children to fear God (1 Samuel 1:10, 11:24-28). The greatest of all mission fields is the home (Proverbs 22:6). Think of training the family for God. This is what Hannah did with her son Samuel.
Wives like the one described in Proverbs 31:10-31.
Sisters Like Mary and Martha —ever ready to serve the Lord and to have a willing mind to obey His Word (Luke 10:38, 39; John 12:2, 3).
Maidens who will speak and be steadfast for God away from home (2 Kings 5:1-16).
Matrons like the godly Shunammite (2 Kings 4:8-37), or like Abigail (1 Samuel 25:2-33); those who will use their God-given minds to act with good common sense in His service (common sense is not so common today).
Young women like noble Ruth —who will give up all for God, if called to do so, to be identified with God’s dear people (Ruth 1:16, 17; 2:11, 12).
Young men like Jabez — those desiring fellowship with God in prayer and determined to live uprightly (1 Chronicles 4:9, 10).
Followers of Christ like Barnabas (Acts 11:22-26; 9:27). He was a true son of comfort. A mighty missionary and builder for God and His Church. These are the men and women wanted and needed today. May we hear our Lord calling us into His vineyard to serve Him now.